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JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
ISSN : 25274201     EISSN : 25021788     DOI :
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JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum [E-ISSN: 2502-1788; P-ISSN: 2527-4201] is the Journal of Legal Studies published by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai, Lampung, Indonesia. Its main aim to disseminate critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary legal issues both local and foreign. The manuscript is published after undergoing a peer-review process by providing an exclusive analysis on law issues from various perspectives. This journal published biannually (June and November). The scopes of Justicia Sains Novelty are: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Islamic Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights, International Law, and also interconnection study with Legal Studies in accordance with the principle of novelty.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 16 Documents
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Akta Partij Berdasarkan Undang- Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jabatan Notaris Dalam Rangka Perwujudan Kepastian Hukum Yonnawati Yonnawati; Dina Haryati Sukardi; Ulan Jehaniza
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2373


Penelitian ini di dalamnya mengkaji serta menjawab permasalahan tentang akta partij di hadapan notaris dan kepastian dari hukum partij akta yang dilaksanakan ataupun dinyatakan di depan notaris. Penelitian juga masuk pada kelompok penelitian yuridis empiris yang bersifat normatif. Bahan yang telah diperoleh melalui penelitian pada kantor Notaris Cindy Larasaty, S.H., M.Kn. dan pembahasan yang sudah dilakukan adalah partij akta menurut Undang-Undang No 2 Tahun 2014 merupakan akta pihak-pihak yang dilaksanakan di depan notaris untuk kemudia di autentikan dengan tandatangan notaris. Perbedaan partij akta dan akta yang tidak resmi merupakan proses pembuatannya, partij akta di nyatakan serta dilaksanakan di depan  notaris kemudian diparaf dengan notaris sedangkan akta di bawah tangan cuma atas kedua pihak, sifat-sifat yang memenuhi unsur akta partij merupakan : akta musti dilaksanakan dari pihak-pihak langsung di depan notaris, akta musti dilaksanakan bertara kepada bentuk yang dimuat oleh Undang-undang, akta yang dilaksanakan terhadap ataupun didepan pejabat publik yang berkompeten dalam kausa itu serta tempat akta tersebut dilaksanakan.  memenuhi bagian-bagian pada Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Notaris pun harus memasukan akta yang dibuat ke dalam buku besar notaris kemudian nantinya akan dievaluasi setiap tahunnya. Untuk dipastikan kebenarannya,  notaris harus menjaga kerahasiaan dari pihak-pihak yang menghadap. Hal yang sering dilanggar baik oleh para pihak maupun notaris seperti notaris yang kurang teliti, notaris mendokumentasikan akta kemudian disebar dimedia sosial, kurangnya pemahaman bahasa asing. Sedangkan dari para pihak klien pihak- pihaknya tidak datang bersamaan, para pihak tidak memahami dampak dari kesepakatan. Solusi yang dapat diberikan kepada notaris yaitu dengan cara lebih memfokuskan pada syarat pembuktian formil akta.
Tinjauan Yuridis Tindak Pidana Terhadap Terdakwa Memberikan Keterangan Palsu Demi Kepentingan Diri Zainab Ompu Jainah; Zainudin Hasan; Gusti Wahyu Triyadi
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2326


Witness testimony according to Article 1 number 27 of the Criminal Procedure Code is one of the means of evidence in a criminal case which is in the form of information originating from a witness regarding a criminal event which the incident was witnessed, heard by oneself, and experienced by oneself accompanied by mentioning reasons and knowledge. That. A false statement under oath is that a person has sworn before giving a false statement or it can also be interpreted that under oath a person gives a statement first and then it is confirmed by oath. There is a case of perjury and perjury that occurred in the jurisdiction of Pesawaran, Lampung province. A defendant has committed the crime of giving false information for his own sake. Factors causing the defendant to commit the crime of providing false information for his own benefit based on court decision number 20/Pid.B/2023/PN Gdt which provided false information in making a report that the loss of 1 (one) motorbike at the Tegineneng Police was a false report. The Defendant was afraid that he would not be able to continue with the monthly installments because the Defendant's motorcycle was still on leasing credit and the Defendant intended that the police report that the Defendant made could be used as a basis for disbursing insurance.
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Perjudian Online Berdasarakan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik Ahadi Fajrin Prasetya; Astri Rahayu
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2272


Gambling is a game where players bet using money to choose one option among several options where only one choice is correct and wins. Law enforcement against gambling is not optimal, gamblers and bookies are not punished according to applicable law, even though this gambling is clearly a criminal act that is against the law in Indonesia. The problems in this study are regarding Law Enforcement Based on Law Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Against Online Gambling and What are the inhibiting factors in Law Enforcement Based on Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Against Online Gambling. This study uses Law enforcement theory from Lawrence Meir Friedman and Soerjono Soekanto's Inhibiting Factor Theory. The research method uses the type of empirical normative research. Research Results and Discussion: Law Enforcement Based on Law Number 19 of 2016 Concerning information and online gambling electronic transactions is to make preventive and repressive efforts. The inhibiting factors in law enforcement against online gambling are the legal factors themselves, human resource factors, facilities and community factors. The conclusions and suggestions in this study are that prevention efforts are needed by blocking sites that have gambling content as part of the government's efforts to eradicate online gambling crimes. Law enforcers should do more outreach to the public about the dangers of online gambling crimes.
Legalitas Penggunaan Konsep Cyber Notary Dalam Prakteknya Di Indonesia Fauzan Aziman Alhamidy; FX Arsin Lukman
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2304


As technology develops in Indonesia, electronic signatures are often used as evidence in entering into agreements or transactions in Indonesia. Technological developments from time to time have experienced these changes occur in various aspects of human life. Advances in technology have increased innovation to facilitate mobility in life. Legal practitioners, especially notaries, take advantage of technological developments to sign a deed. With the development of this technology, the concept of cyber notary was created, namely a concept that utilizes technological advances in carrying out the duties and authority of a notary. In the Notary Office Law No. 2 of 2014, notaries are permitted to certify through electronic documents. Thus the opportunity to make the Cyber Notary concept no longer collide because there is already a law that regulates it. This writing uses the Normative Juridical method, namely library research that describes secondary data, namely primary legal materials in the form of laws and regulations secondary legal materials such as books and scientific papers related to research topics. The scope of this research is the legality of using the cyber notary concept in Indonesia. This study aims to discuss, investigate, and present issues related to the legality of the Cyber Notary concept in Indonesia.
Analisis Sosial, Ekonomi, Dan Hukum Peran Serta Masyarakat Desa Labuh Air Pandan Dalam Upaya Alih Fungsi Kawasan Hutan Menjadi Hutan Kebun Masyarakat Anis Rindiani; Eko Riyadi; Rahmiati Ranti Pawari
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2374


Dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah penduduk di Desa Labuh Air Pandan, mengandung konsekuensi meningkatnya kebutuhan akan tanah, untuk tempat tinggal dan bercocok tanam yang selanjutnya untuk tempat usaha lainnya, namun di sisi lain dihadapkan pada kenyataan bahwa luas tanah tidak dapat bertambah, karenanya sasaran yang paling mudah untuk diakses adalah tanah hutan atau kawasan hutan yang ada. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh belum adanya tata batas yang jelas pada kawasan hutan tersebut dan belum adanya peraturan desa yang mengatur tentang pengelolaan Kawasan hutan sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan seperti masyarakat dan perusahaan untuk merambah dan merubah fungsinya.  
Tanggung Jawab Kurator Dalam Perkara Kepailitan Berdasarkan Prinsip Independensi Sunaryo Sunaryo; Dina Haryati Sukardi
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2309


The curator must be independent and not have a conflict of interest because the curator has such great authority over bankruptcy assets. The research used in this research is normative legal research. This is because researchers use library materials as data to analyze cases in the preparation of this study. provisions regarding the principle of independence are emphasized in the Code of Ethics of the Indonesian Curator and Administrator Association (AKPI) which states that in every appointment received, members of the Indonesian Curator and Administrator Association (hereinafter referred to as "members") must be independent and free from anyone's influence. Independence in bankruptcy law can be interpreted that the curator may not and cannot be intervened by anything, either by debtors, creditors, or other individuals within the bankruptcy institution or outside the bankruptcy institution. Independent also reflects the integrity of a curator which contains values including having a noble character, being trustworthy in carrying out his position, being able to act wisely and prudently in dealing with a plural reality between the interests of debtors and creditors, being consistent between his words and the responsibilities he carries, obeying the values and Norms, both written and unwritten, and no less important, are always oriented to the best interests of the bankruptcy estate.
Analisis Jaminan Perorangan (Personal Guarantor) Dalam Perkara Kepailitan Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Serlika Aprita; Devi Sri Astuti; Siti Sarah; Lulu Larasari; Diah Pitaloka Harin
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2375


Bankruptcy personal guarantee that is bankrupt without first bankrupting the main debtor in the Supreme Court Decision Number 141/PK/Pdt.Sus/Pailit/2016 whether it is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and to find out the application and consideration of the judge in deciding the case in this case. This study aims to make everyone who wants to be a guarantor of the debtor understand the applicable rules regarding individual guarantees. This research method uses a normative juridical approach. Normative juridical is where the researcher refers to the legal norms that exist in laws and regulations, literature, expert opinions, and papers. The results of this study indicate that the Judge in Decision Number 141/PK/Pdt.Sus/Pailit/2016 bankrupt the personal guarantee without first insolventing the main debtor because the personal guarantee has relinquished all its privileges, although according to the researcher there are still problems related to the list. BI Checking in showing the existence of other creditors.
Perlindungan Dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Kosumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan Hasanal Mulkan; Veni Ardea Regita; Marissa Ikhsan; Fathya Faradilla; Muhammad Rizky Kurniawan
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2379


Disputes in the financial services sector can occur if there is a difference in understanding between the institution and the consumer regarding a service product from the related financial institution or from the institution's negligence in fulfilling its obligations. Consumer protection is all efforts to provide legal certainty to consumers. The PK Law is the legal basis for legal protection for consumers, while the OJK Law is the Constitution of the establishment of Financial Institutions, in this case the OJK as an independent body that regulates, supervises, inspects and investigates in the financial services sector as well as aims to protect consumers as users of financial services. In the applicable regulations, consumer protection is manifested in the obligations of financial services business actors related to complaint facilitation, complaint settlement facilities, internal control, consumer protection supervision, and sanctions. Settlement of disputes in the financial services sector first through the Financial Services Institution, if no settlement is reached, then proceed with settlement in court or out of court.
Peranan Bagian Hukum Sekretariat Daerah Kota Bandar Lampung Dalam Operasi Yustisi Penanganan Covid-19 Dery Hendryan; Muhammad Rusjana; Yudi Yusnandi
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2437


One of the main duties and functions of the Legal Department as regulated by the Mayor of Bandar Lampung No. 38 of 2021 Article 9 paragraph (1). There is Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2018. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government issued Mayor's regulation Bandar Lampung city No. 18 of 2020 and No. 25 of 2020. This regulation forms the juridical basis and technical guidelines for judicial operations in handling Covid-19. The problem in this research is, what is the role of the Legal Department of the Bandar Lampung City Regional Secretariat in the justice operations in handling Covid-19? And what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in carrying out the justice operation? The research method is a normative juridical approach and an empirical juridical approach using secondary data and primary data. The results of the study, that the role of the Legal Department in the efforts of the Judicial Operations for Handling Covid-19 for Enforcement of Legislation, are in the form of: (1) not optimal due to the absence of the main tasks and functions of the Legal Section in Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2018, Mayor Regulation No. 18 of 2020 and Mayor Regulation No. 25 of 2020, (2) coaching (socialization/ education), written warnings 1, 2 and 3, controlling and sealing, (3) does not have a deterrent effect on residents and business actors because of light sanctions. Supporting factors for the Judicial Operations handling of Covid-19, namely: (1) support from the Mayor according to the vision and mission for Bandar Lampung, Healthy, Smart, Faithful, Cultured, Comfortable, Superior, Competitive, Based on the Economy for the Prosperity of the People, (2) coordination between agencies related very well and (3) the actions of the PPNS/Justisi Team were accompanied by the police as the PPNS Supervisory Board. The inhibiting factors are: (1) lack of facilities and infrastructure, (2) limited number of PPNS and (3) the Regional Regulation on Covid-19 does not yet exist, as a result of which sanctions and fines cannot be applied.
Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Melalui Perspektif Pancasila Bayu Nusantara P
JUSTICIA SAINS - Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JUSTICIA SAINS: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24967/jcs.v8i1.2382


The rise of criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia is contrary to the values of Pancasila as the life goal of the Indonesian nation, the problem in this research is how to deal with criminal acts through the perspective of Pancasila, this research method uses normative juridical methods, Pancasila has a very important role in upholding the rule of law, is philosophy, the basis of the state and open ideology. Pancasila is a source of enlightenment, a source of inspiration and as a basis for solving the problems faced by the Indonesian people in dealing with all types of violations and crimes in this case corruption.

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